Do INFPs Struggle with Inferiority Complexes?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with a fear of inferiority in terms of my intelligence. I graduated from high school ranked third out of over 300 students. I graduated college with a 3.98 GPA. And yet I have this intense, sometimes debilitating, fear that, in fact, I am much less intelligent … Continue reading Do INFPs Struggle with Inferiority Complexes?

Developing Extraverted Intuition in the Midst of a Move

The auxiliary function in Myers-Briggs theory holds potential for self-growth and development. It can also be an intimidating function to strengthen, because it lives in the realm of either introversion or extraversion, whichever is not your dominant. As (I think) an INFP, my auxiliary function is extraverted intuition (Ne), which is a function that seeks … Continue reading Developing Extraverted Intuition in the Midst of a Move

You Aren’t a Feminist Just Because Your Shirt Says You Are

Feminism requires dirty work. Don’t believe me? Check out the documentary She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry (available on Netflix). Read Roxane Gay. Review all of this year’s presidential campaign, in which a woman (flawed albeit, but aren’t we all?) with years of experience in national office lost to a sexist, racist, narcissistic, egotistical sexual assaulter. … Continue reading You Aren’t a Feminist Just Because Your Shirt Says You Are

How does an introvert thrive as a journalist?

Journalists do interviews. Introverts don’t like to approach strangers, let alone ask questions that might make those strangers uncomfortable. But I’m an introverted journalism major. How’s that for irony? You might think introverts can't be journalists because for us, talking to new people is extremely difficult. But introverts have methods of surviving interviews. I once discussed … Continue reading How does an introvert thrive as a journalist?